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A Comprehensive Guide on How to Clean Stainless Steel Cabinets


Stainless steel cabinets have become the hallmark of modern kitchens and offices due to their sleek design, durability, and resistance to rust and staining. However, like all things precious, they too require the right care. From everyday smudges to sticky fingerprints, these surfaces see it all. Let’s embark on this journey of ensuring your stainless steel cabinets remain as sparkling as the day you got them.

How to Clean Stainless Steel Cabinets

Stainless steel might have the word “stain” in it, but that doesn’t mean it’s immune to marks. Cleaning them is an art as much as it is a science. Here’s the know-how you need.

Understanding the Grain

Much like wood, stainless steel has a grain – those faint striations that you can see on the surface. Always wipe or scrub in the direction of this grain, as going against it can highlight scratches and damage the surface.

Daily Cleaning Rituals

  • Wipe Gently: A microfiber cloth dampened with warm water is often enough for daily cleaning.
  • Dry Promptly: Always dry with a towel or cloth to prevent water spots. Remember, stainless steel can rust if water sits on it for too long.

Deep Cleaning Solutions

If your cabinets have lost their shine or have stubborn spots, it’s time for a deep cleanse.

  1. Dish Soap & Water: This common combo can tackle grease and grime. Rinse thoroughly and towel-dry.
  2. White Vinegar & Olive Oil: Spritz white vinegar on the cabinet, wipe it off, and then apply olive oil for a shiny finish.

For Those Stubborn Stains

For stubborn spots or stains, a mixture of baking soda and water can work wonders. Apply the paste, let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe off and rinse.

Polishing for That Extra Shine

A few drops of baby or mineral oil on a soft cloth can bring back the shine. Wipe in the direction of the grain and behold the sheen!

What to Avoid

Avoid using abrasive materials like steel wool or scouring pads, as they can scratch your cabinets. Similarly, refrain from using bleach or other harsh chemicals.

For Commercial Establishments

In a commercial setting, stainless steel cabinets often face harsher conditions. Opt for specialized commercial-grade cleaning products but always read the label first.

Maintaining the Shine

It’s not just about cleaning; it’s about maintaining the shine. Regularly wipe off fingerprints, clean spills promptly, and consider applying a protective finish.

DIY Cleaners vs. Store-bought Products

While DIY solutions like vinegar and baking soda work wonders, some prefer the potency of store-bought products specifically designed for stainless steel.

Pros of DIY Cleaners

  • Eco-friendly and safe.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Ingredients are usually on hand.

Pros of Store-bought Cleaners

  • Specifically formulated for stainless steel.
  • Can offer longer-lasting protection and shine.
  • Often come with a pleasant scent.

Tips and Tricks from the Pros

  • Use a drop of lemon oil every once in a while to repel smudges and fingerprints.
  • For scratch marks, consider using a stainless-steel polish or cleaner. However, test in an inconspicuous area first.

Long-term Care

To ensure your cabinets stand the test of time:

  • Clean spills immediately.
  • Avoid hanging damp cloths on cabinet doors.
  • Consider using a dehumidifier in high humidity areas.


What’s the best homemade cleaner for stainless steel cabinets?
A mixture of white vinegar and olive oil can clean and shine your cabinets effectively.

Can I use glass cleaner on stainless steel cabinets?
Yes, glass cleaners can remove fingerprints and give a shine, but always do a spot test first.

How often should I deep clean my stainless steel cabinets?
Depending on usage, a monthly deep clean is often sufficient.

Why is my stainless steel turning yellow?
Exposure to high heat can cause stainless steel to turn yellow. Regular cleaning and avoiding direct heat can prevent this.

Can I use baby oil to polish my cabinets?
Absolutely! Baby oil is a great option to give your cabinets a shine. Apply a few drops on a cloth and wipe in the direction of the grain.

How do I prevent scratches on my stainless steel cabinets?
Avoid using abrasive materials. Always use soft cloths and be gentle during cleaning.


Stainless steel cabinets are a blend of beauty and resilience, but they require the right care to maintain their luster. Whether it’s the gentle daily wipe-down or the occasional deep clean, every step ensures that your cabinets remain a dazzling feature in your space. With the right knowledge and a touch of elbow grease, your stainless steel surfaces will shine on!

About Author : admin

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